Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac uninstall guide
If you need to uninstall Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac, this short guide will provide you with the information how to do remove the application correctly. Please note that dragging the Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac icon to the Trash will not remove the program from your system.
Uninstall Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac
In order to uninstall Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac, please take the following steps:
- Click on any empty space on the desktop.
- Navigate to the Menu bar and click Go. Then, select Utilities or you can also press Shift + Command + U.B. Alternatively, you can launch Finder and select Applications, then Utilities and run BitdefenderUninstaller. Or, navigate the Menu bar, select Go, then, click on the Computer button. Further, go to Macintosh HD > Library > Bitdefender > Central > Agent and then launch the BitdefenderUninstaller
- Click the Uninstall button on the new window that will appear.
- Enter your administrator credentials and confirm the process. The uninstallation will begin to proceed.
- Once the uninstallation process is completed, click Close.
- A web page will prompt to ask you to complete a survey. If you want you can complete a survey, go to the web page. Otherwise, simply close the page.
- Finally, go to Macintosh HD > Library and move the Bitdefender folder to Trash. Enter your administrator password, if requested.
- If the Bitdefender icon still appears in Dock, then right-click on the icon and select Options, then click Remove from Dock.
- The uninstaller will also delete Bitdefender Virus Scanner or Bitdefender Virus Scanner Plus from your Mac if they were installed with the antivirus application.
Congratulations! Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac has been successfully removed from your Mac. Please note, if you have any important files that have been quarantined, in order to get them back you will need to reinstall Bitdefender. All the scan logs and the files in Quarantine can be located at Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Antivirus for Mac. If you do not need those files, move the entire Antivirus for Mac folder to Trash.
Do not forget that once you uninstall Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac, your Mac becomes vulnerable to cyber threats and malware. In order to keep your Mac protected and malware-free, make sure to reinstall Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac or choose other antivirus and security application for your Mac. Do not forget that Macs are being targeted by a number of malware and cyber attacks and they need a reliable antivirus software!
We recommend you to restart the system before you install new antivirus and security software.