Avast Security for Mac user manual


This short user manual will help you install Avast Security for Mac on your system. This guide is easy to follow and will get you the application running in less than 5 minutes. It will also provide you with the quick guidelines about the application and its main features.


The installation of Avast Security for Mac is simple and quick. Please note, before you start the installation, make sure that any previous security applications are uninstalled. In addition, you have to close all other running programs and internet browsers.

In order to install Avast Security for Mac, take the following steps:

  1. Download the Avast Security for Mac setup file from the official webpage or by clicking here.
  2. Locate the downloaded setup file named avast_security_online.dmg, double-click on it and select Avast Security.
  3. In order to determine Avast Security installation, click Continue.
  4. Click the Continue button.
  5. Carefully read the Avast End User License Agreement and click Continue.
  6. If you accept the terms and conditions, click Agree to continue.
  7. The following window will ask you to select additional products to download. Select your preferred products and click Continue.
  8. If you want to adjust the default setup, click Change Install Location or Customize. If you want to continue the installation, click Install.
  9. The following window will request your administrator’s credentials. Type your Name and Password and press Install Software.
  10. The prompt window will tell you that The installation was successful. Click Close.
  11. Finally, click Move to Trash and remove the installer.

Avast Installation

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Avast Security for Mac on your system.

Follow the guidelines in order to your Avast Security for Mac.

Activate Avast Security for Mac

This short guide applies to Avast Security and Avast Security Pro.

If you want to manually activate the application, follow these steps:

  1. After purchasing Avast Security Pro for Mac subscription, the confirmation email was sent to you. Open the email and copy the activation code.
  2. Launch the Avast Security application by clicking the Avast icon.
  3. Click Preferences and choose Subscription.
  4. On the following Subscription window, find the Insert Activation Code button and click on it.
  5. Paste your activation code and click Activate.
  6. The following window will ask your administrator’s credentials. Type your Name and Password and select Install Helper.
  7. Review your subscription details.

Congratulations! Avast Security Pro for Mac is activated and protects you!

We hope that these short guidelines help you to successfully install and activate Avast Security for Mac on your system!

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