OSHI Defender uninstallation

OSHI Defender uninstallation

This short manual will show you how to uninstall OSHI Defender from your computer.

1. Firstly, you have to make sure that program is no longer running on your Windows 10 system. To do that, check the system tray for OSHI Defender logo and right-click on it. Once you have done that, just press ‘exit’ and then confirm your selection on the window that has popped up.

2. Now it is safe to uninstall OSHI Defender. To do that, you should press on the Windows logo on the left side at the bottom of your screen. Once you click the logo, you will see a gear-shaped icon on the left side. That icon stands for ‘settings’. Simply click it.

3. Navigate to a section called ‘gadgets and features’.

However, there is another way for this to be done – especially if you are using an older version of Windows. Just press on ‘my computer’ on your desktop and find ‘control panel’ on the top of the new window.

Press on ‘control panel’ and there you will see a section that says ‘programs’. Click it and you will be able to see the same list of all the programs that you have on your computer. Just find OSHI Defender here and press ‘remove’. You will be able to delete the program using the same steps.

4. Now you must find the application on the list of programs. You can use the search bar or find the app manually.

When you find OSHI Defender, just double click it. Here you will have to confirm your selection again when the dialog box pops out. The Installation Wizard will open in a few seconds.

5. Once the Installation Wizard is open, you need to confirm that you want to remove the app from the PC.

6. You should see a green bar that shows the progress of the uninstallation process. A message will be shown, saying ‘The uninstallation is successful!’ You can close the Installation Wizard.

7. Now it might be useful to restart your system to make sure that nothing has been left from the program. If you don’t restart your computer, you may still see some icons, but they will disappear the next time you reboot your system.

Congratulations! Now your OSHI Defender software has been successfully uninstalled and you have the possibility to install another anti-malware program of your choice. Be sure to check out our reviews so you’d know what’s best for you.

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