Norton Security Deluxe for Mac uninstall guide


It is very important to uninstall all the unused and unwanted application from your Mac because it improves your system's performances, speed, and battery life.

If you want to remove Norton for Mac, this short uninstall guide will provide you with the information how to remove the software. Please keep in mind that dragging the Norton for Mac icon to the Trash will not remove the program correctly. So this short guide will give you the step-by-step instructions how to uninstall Norton Security and Norton AntiVirus for Mac from your Mac. 

Uninstall Norton Security for Mac 

In order to uninstall Norton Security for Mac please take the following steps: 

  1. Go to the Application folder and double-click the Norton Security icon. 
  2. Launch the menu bar, right next to the Apple icon. Then, locate and click Norton Security and select Uninstall Norton Security. 
  3. Further, the Uninstall Norton Security confirmation window will prompt. Click the Uninstall button. 
  4. The system will request you to type your administrator's credentials. Type your username and password, and then click Install Helper
  5. Finally, in the uninstaller window, click the Restart Now button and the system will restart. 

Uninstall Norton AntiVirus for Mac or Norton Internet Security for Mac

If you have Norton AntiVirus for Mac or Norton Internet Security for Mac installed in your system, in order to remove these applications, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Open the Applications folder, locate the Symantec Solutions folder. Then, select and double-click Symantec Uninstaller. 
  2. The Uninstall Symantec Products window will provide you with the list of applications. Please select those Norton applications you want to uninstall, by ticking the checkbox next to the names of the programs. 
  3. Then, simply click the Uninstall button. 
  4. Confirm that you want to remove the particular application. 
  5. The system will ask you to type your administrator's credentials in the Authenticate window. Please type your name and password, and then click OK
  6. The following window will show you the list of removed products. Click the Close button.
  7. Finally, restart the system by clicking Restart

Congratulations! If all the steps were taken correctly, Norton for Mac should be removed from your Mac. 

We hope that this short uninstall guide helps you to remove the unused application from your Mac. However, do not forget that your Mac requires a reliable antivirus and Internet security solution as a volume of malware and other cyber threats targeting Macs are increasing. So make sure to reinstall Norton Security for Mac or choose a different security solution. 

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