Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac uninstall guide

If for some reasons you do not use and want to remove the Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac application from your system, continue reading this article. Please note that dragging the Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac icon into the Trash will not delete the program correctly and if you want to completely remove the software, follow the steps below. 


This short uninstallation guide will provide you with steps how to uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac from your Mac correctly by using the Standard Uninstallation Tool from Kaspersky. If you follow the uninstallation instructions bellow correctly, the uninstallation process should be simple and easy and will not take longer than 5 minutes.

Uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac using Standard Uninstallation Tool

If you want to remove Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac from your system, please perform the following steps.

  1. Download the Standard Uninstallation Tool archive for Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac. You can download the Standard Uninstallation Tool from Kaspersky official site
  2. Then navigate to the Mac OS X menu and find the Kaspersky icon. Select the Icon and press Quit in the context Menu.
  3. Locate the Standard Uninstallation Tool archive and double-click on the .Zip file.
  4. Open the Uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security file by double-clicking on it.
  5. In the Uninstall: Kaspersky Internet Security main window, navigate the Uninstall button in the left corner and click on it.
  6. In order to start the uninstallation process, you will be asked to enter the administrator's Name and Password. Enter the requested information and click OK.
  7. Finally, wait for the process to complete. Once the uninstallation process is completed, click Finish.

Congratulations! If you followed all the mentioned steps correctly, Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac should have been successfully removed from your system. If you face any issues, you can contact Kaspersky technical support via your Kaspersky account.

Always make sure to uninstall unused and unwanted applications, so your system would run smooth.

However, do not forget that now your Mac is unprotected and vulnerable to cyber threats. In order to protect your system make sure to reinstall Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac or choose a different Internet security and antivirus suite for Mac.

If you choose to reinstall Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac or install a different Internet security and antivirus application, we recommend you to restart your Mac first and see if the Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac application has been successfully removed from your system.

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