Online privacy and security experts
How to Get Unbanned from Holla?
VPN is one of the best and smartest ways to make sure that you get unbanned from Holla.More
News November 14, 2019
What is dirty tinder virus and how to remove it?
What is Dirty Tinder virus?
Dirty Tinder is a new malware which was reported at the end of the 2018 year.More
News March 18, 2019
Windows Defender is blocked by Group Policy
If you keep receiving a message This app is turned off by group policy when you are trying to access Windows Defender security application, you might be dealing with malware or virus.More
News November 17, 2018
New side-channel flaw in Intel CPUs could allow hackers to steal sensitive data
A new serious side-channel vulnerability has been discovered in Intel CPUs by a team of security researchers.More
News November 6, 2018
200,000 MikroTik Routers infected with Crypto Mining Malware
Over 200,000 internet routers of the Latvian company MikroTik got infected by a crypto mining software called Coinhive that prompts the routing device to mine cryptocurrency for the hacker behind the attack.
News August 9, 2018
Massive malware campaign infected 5 million Android devices
Did you know that a recent malware attack called the RottenSys infected as much as 5 million android devices, which put the users of all of those devices at risk of getting hacked and having their data stolen?
News March 22, 2018
Be aware of Onavo - Facebook’s Vampiric VPN Service
You should probably know that Facebook is not a privacy-oriented company, it is BIG Brother on PCP.More
News February 28, 2018
How to remove Advanced Mac Cleaner
Advanced Mac Cleaner – an annoying suspicious program attacking Mac OS X.
News February 5, 2018
Two-Factor Authentication. Which method is the best to use?
Two-factor authentication could the most effective way to protect your accounts.More
News January 29, 2018
Malwarebytes VS Plumbytes technical comparison 2019
Two modern Internet security packages Malwarebytes and Plumbytes Anti-Malware are compared in this article.More
News December 19, 2017
6 VPN myths debunked
A Virtual Private Network is a relevant and useful piece of technology that builds a connection between a user and a server.
News October 20, 2017
Hidden miners. What you didn’t know
A rapidly increasing phenomenon that excites more and more people worldwide is called Cryptocurrency mining.More
News October 9, 2017
The most common signs of an infected computer
It is difficult to find a person who isn’t afraid of cyber infections.More
News September 28, 2017
Thomas the Tank Engine ransomware - a threat or a joke?
If you think you’ve seen everything, think again - Thomas the Tank Engine ransomware is on its way to your computer.More
News September 28, 2017
How to stay safe while shopping online
Shopping online has become as normal as going to a local store to buy some milk - everyone is doing it in one way or another.More
News September 26, 2017